How to discuss Homecare with your loved one Harmony Healthcare January 29, 2022

How to discuss Homecare with your loved one

Your loved one is suffering from a condition that prevents their ability to carry out normal activities such as Parkinson’s or mobility issues, and you need to have the awkward conversation about getting some help.

This is never an easy discussion. No one wants to feel that they need help, especially when they are young. Your loved one will inevitably feel that they are a burden, and that you are trying to pass them off to a carer. They may resist it completely or at least, have their doubts about whether it is right for them. It is not an easy discussion, but one that is essential. These are some ways you can discuss Homecare with your loved one and make it as easy a process as possible.

Open and Honest Communication

It is important to be as open and honest with your loved one as possible. Explain to them why you think they may need the care services, and don’t hold back with a difficult conversation. They may be in deniable about their condition, especially if it is progressive, but it is important that they feel that they are part of the decision. The worst thing you can do is fail to involve them, and then suddenly bring a carer to their door. Even if it’s a difficult decision, you still need to communicate openly with your loved one.

The Right Time and Place

It is not appropriate to blurt out to your loved one that they might need some care support in a room full of other people. It may make them feel embarrassed. It is also important to be careful about when you break the news to them. If you do this when they are in the midst of a particularly challenging time in their illness, they are more likely to overreact. Instead, choose a time and place carefully. There will never be a ‘perfect’ time, but make sure you pick one that is most sensitive to discuss it. For instance, when they are relaxed in their home. Only a couple of close family need to discuss it, as otherwise they may feel they are being ganged up on.

Discuss the Benefits

The natural reaction to being told you need a carer may be one of dismay and anger, but before this happens, try to discuss the benefits with them. There are many benefits to getting a carer, such as having someone to talk to and share feelings with, someone to take them shopping or to enjoy other activities, and also to keep them safe. They may not fully understand all the benefits it could bring, and this may help them feel reassured about the decision.

Talk about the Alternatives

Make sure your loved one understands the reasons why they may need the care but also, the alternatives if they don’t get the care services at home. For instance, they may end up having to go into a hospital. This is not to be doom and gloom to them, but just to ensure they are aware of exactly why you have decided on this course of action.

Give them Time

Don’t expect your loved one to be happy about it straight away, give them time to consider it and then speak to them again. Ultimately, it is their decision, unless there really is no alternative. For example, if they have dementia, there might not be any other option. Don’t rush them into agreeing, give them space and let them work it out in their own time.
If you would like to discuss the care services at home that we offer, you can contact us by telephone or email, and we will arrange to meet up for a chat and to carry out an assessment.
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